Nov 30, 2006

Racismo en America

Nos referimos antes al papelón de Kramer (aquí y aquí). Acá va un nuevo aporte -brillante- sobre el tema, "Gracias Kramer" de Richard Cohen en el Washington Post:

It is odd, I know, to see these remarks as signs of progress, but that's what they are. All of them were followed by a sharp societal rebuke and serial regurgitations of apology, sorrow, shame -- a groveling to a (self-appointed) higher authority (Rabbi Marvin Hier, Abe Foxman, the Rev. Jesse Jackson, the Rev. Al Sharpton) who can issue a Get Out of Jail card so that lives can be resumed. We have come so far that it is not the vilified group that's hurt by the insult but the person making it. Richards fights for his professional life, Gibson licks his wounds, Allen lost the election -- and a durable cliche is stood on its head: In America, injury gets added to insult.

Por supuesto que no todo es perfecto. Hay ciertas conductas que, por provenir del otro lado, no reciben el reproche que merecen. (Visto en Instapundit)


  1. Mas sobre Richards y algunos racistas de verdad (Jesse Jackson y Al Sharpton), en lo de Debbie Schlussel :

  2. La primera enmienda sigue en pie. La justicia penal no está involucrada en la cuestión, hay una condena pública importante, pero eso nada tiene que ver con la primera enmienda.


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