Dec 8, 2006

Muy duro y, espero, exagerado:

I was sitting at my kitchen table, enjoying a cup of coffee with my grandfather, when he suddenly said. "You know, there was a time when I believed that I would die long before the fall of civilization, but I am starting to think I may yet live to see it happen."

We had been discussing geopolitics and the global war when he made that comment. What he said struck a very deep chord in me that have yet to loosen its grip. The silence that followed spoke volumes to me and made me realize just how dangerous things actually are in the world.

My grandfather lived through the Great Depression, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War and all the other conflicts that have emerged around the world and he never seemed too worried about it. He always believed good would triumph over the bad. His belief had never wavered, until now. The revelation that he no longer believed this made me understand, as clearly as ever, that he could be very right. His loss of faith is a direct result of what he reads and sees each and every day. The Unites States is under siege and not just by terrorists. Never before have I seen such clear hatred and outright sabotage of our policies than those actions of my own countrymen. The sustained disdain and irresponsible wanting of our failure is ever present in the mainstream media, certain political groups and even many of our spineless leaders in Washington. Our so called "Allies" in Europe only compound the problem even more as they see who can best the other in anti-American sentiment. Do I need to go on about the U.N.? I didn't think so.


  1. Todos miran para un costado, ni hablar de Europa...

  2. Los que aman la libertad y creen que Estados Unidos es "The last best hope", como dijo George Washington, deben tener presente el discurso de Winston Churchill a los alumnos de su vieja "public school" de Harrow pronunciado el 29 de octubre de 1941 en el que dijo: ""Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.''

  3. Iván, La verdad es que no me queda claro del todo si es ignorancia lisa y llana o directamente un miedo enorme a ver y enfrentar la realidad.

  4. Carlos, Me temo que para decir las cosas que decía Winston Churchill hay que tener convicciones firmes. Me temo que gran parte de la intelligentsia occidental actual, especialmente en Europa, es capaz de vender a la madre y a la abuela por un café con leche y dos medialunas.

    Me cansé de escuchar que Occidente no tiene nada digno de ser defendido.

  5. Europa está viviendo una etapa muy crítica: el declive y por ello, Europa está confundida. Estados Unidos la tiene muy dura en este momento, está muy solo en esta lucha.

  6. EEUU està muy solo y el periodismo mundial se pone totalmente en contra y trata de legitimar a los terroristas.

    En un tiempo nos van a terminar dando la razòn.


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