Jan 20, 2007

Cuando ya pensábamos que Jimmy Carter, el nefasto ex presidente de EEUU, no podía caer más bajo ahora aparece evidencia de que aparentemente trató de defender a un ex criminal de guerra nazi (enviado por Liberty Bell Carter, el sobrino nieto de Jimmy):

The scandal surrounding President Carter's attitude toward the Jewish state, sparked by the publication of his book, which blames the Jews for the fate of the Palestinian Arabs, was given a fresh boost yesterday when a document surfaced showing that the former president interceded on behalf of a former Nazi guard.
The document in question shows that Mr. Carter asked the Justice Department's Office of Special Investigation — the unit responsible for the prosecution of Nazis — to show "special consideration" toward a man who murdered Jews at Mauthausen concentration camp.

The New York Sun has obtained a copy of the note that Mr. Carter sent to the OSI in September 1987. It was attached to a letter from the daughter of the Waffen SS guard, Martin Bartesch. The letter accused the OSI of "cruel and un-American activities" by extraditing the Nazi guard from America and barring him from returning. The OSI had taken away Bartesch's citizenship and deported him in May 1987 because of his role in the Holocaust.


  1. Una vez leí que "peanuts" Carter tenía un IQ elevadísimo, lo que pruebe que la inteligencia y la estupidez no tienen nada que ver.
    Ese imbécil es el peor presidente de la historia de los EEUU; soberbio, pomposo, "donneur de leçons, antisemita, débil ante los enemigos de Occidente y genuflexo ante basuras del tipo de Kofi Annan o Arafat.
    Por eso le dieron el Nobel de la paz como a tantos otros canallas progresistas.

  2. Y por eso, el Premio Nobel de la Paz a la Madre Teresa es un insulto. Se la puso en la misma categoria que Arafat, Carter, las Naciones Unidas, o Perez Esquivel


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