Jan 8, 2007

Socialismo nacionalista

Chávez continúa tras los pasos de la Cuba de Castro. Ahora se vienen las nacionalizaciones de los servicios en Venezuela. Me pregunto qué más tiene que pasar para que saquemos la cabeza del culo y nos demos cuenta.

Yo sigo creyendo que este es el modelo que nos encantaría ver en Argentina si tuviéramos los huevos para bancarnos las consecuencias:

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez announced plans Monday to nationalize Venezuela's electrical and telecommunications companies, pledging to create a socialist state in a bold move with echoes of Fidel Castro's Cuban revolution.

"We're moving toward a socialist republic of Venezuela, and that requires a deep reform of our national constitution," Chavez said in a televised address after swearing in his Cabinet. "We are in an existential moment of Venezuelan life. We're heading toward socialism, and nothing and no one can prevent it."

Chavez, who will be sworn in Wednesday to a third term that runs through 2013, also said he wanted a constitutional amendment to eliminate the autonomy of the Central Bank and would soon ask the National Assembly, solidly controlled by his allies, to give him greater powers to legislate by presidential decree.


  1. Compadezco a la pobre gente venezolana que se va a tener que aguantar esta situación.

    Me gustaría ver que puede quedar de Venezuela el día que baje el petróleo un poco...


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