Jul 4, 2007

La historia del mundo según el progresismo

No se pierdan este artículo de Oleg Atbashian, el autor de The People’s Cube:

On the Fourth of July Americans will cynically celebrate the greatest setback world progress has ever endured in all of human history. The rest of humankind will, of course, be grieving over the dark day when the United States of America was born. To understand the full scope of this tragedy we must look back at the pre-7/04 world and see what it was like to live on planet Earth before 1776.

Prior to July 4, 1776, not a single person in the world starved, got sick, worked hard for a living, or experienced any pain and anxiety. No one had ever been oppressed or unfairly exploited because the oppressive and unfair American system had not yet been created.


This Golden Age lasted from about 20,000 BC up until the American Revolution. After 1776 everything just went downhill.

Immediately upon declaring their Independence, the Americans began the theft of native Indian lands, industries, highways, and communications infrastructure. The Americans used Black slave labor to invent things that would give them an unfair edge over other cultures: cotton gin, bifocals, steam power pumps, self propelled amphibious vehicles, coffee pot, sewing machine, power tools, ether anesthesia, mechanical refrigerator, cylinder printing press, passenger elevator, burglar alarm, oil well drilling, repeating rifle, pin tumbler lock, roller skates, offset printing, barbed wire, dental drill, mimeograph, telephone, light bulb, hearing aid, electric fan, skyscraper, disposable camera, escalator, motion picture camera, safety razor, air conditioner, airplane, assembly line, frozen food, radio astronomy, television, chair lift, nylon, defibrillator, microwave oven, atomic bomb, carbon dating, Polaroid camera, polio vaccine, integrated circuit, oral contraceptive, laser, computer, operating system, optical fiber, calculator, product barcode, space shuttle, artificial heart, internet, and graphic user interface.

Once they stole enough wealth and power, the Yankees moved on to exploit the rest of the world, setting up corporations on every street corner in order to oppress and humiliate people of other cultures, races, and religions. The corporations launched wars and endemic diseases to create economic need and political chaos from which, like Venus from the sea foam, the greedy bourgeois class was born. With the help of the local bourgeoisie, the Americans overthrew all of the free world's honest and caring chieftains, replacing them with corrupt democratic regimes in order to steal their oil and destroy local ecosystems.


  1. Solo para liberales...


  2. Me extraña, anónimo, acá somos gente seria. Como la Argentina de Kirchner.

  3. Selección más simpática que el pais..


  4. Ya selección de fútbol de EEUU cae más simpática que el país porque, a diferencia de EEUU país, la selección juega en cuarta división. El odio patológico e irracional que despierta EEUU en tanta gente tiene un importante componente de envidia y resentimiento.

  5. es por la misma razon que los Democratas caen mas simpaticos. cosa argenta.

  6. Los idiotas argentinos fueron en patota a la convención demócrata porque Kerry es bueno y Bush es malo. El diario La Nación (oráculo de la "derecha") se mea a chorritos por los demócratas. La Nación es una especie de New York Times de suburbio, en pijama y chancletas.


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