Sep 30, 2007

Las democracias hablan, las tiranías actúan

Mark Steyn sobre la visita de Almeja a la Universidad de la Cumbia. No hay caso, los progres somos todos tan fashion:

"I'm proud of my university today," Stina Reksten, a 28-year-old Columbia graduate student from Norway, told the New York Times. "I don't want to confuse the very dire human rights situation in Iran with the issue here, which is freedom of speech. This is about academic freedom."

Isn't it always? But enough about Iran, let's talk about me! The same university that shouted down an American anti-illegal-immigration activist and the same university culture that just deemed former Harvard honcho Larry Summers too misogynist to be permitted on campus is now congratulating itself over its commitment to "academic freedom." True, renowned Stanford psychology professor Philip Zimbardo is not happy. "They can have any fascist they want there," said professor Zimbardo, "but this seems egregious." But, hey, don't worry: He was protesting not Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's presence at Columbia but Donald Rumsfeld's presence at the Hoover Institution.

At some point during this past week, it was decided that the relevant Ahmadinejad comparison was to Nikita Krushchev. The Soviet leader toured America in 1960, was taken to a turkey farm, paid a visit to Frank Sinatra and Co. on the set of "Can-Can" and pronounced the movie "decadent." And yet the republic survived. As one of my most distinguished fellow columnists, Peggy Noonan, put it in the Wall Street Journal, Krushchev's visit reminded the world that "we are the confident nation." And, as several e-mailers observed, warming to Noonan's theme, back then hysterical right-wing ninnies didn't get their panties in a twist just because a man dedicated to the destruction of our way of life was in town for a couple of days.


  1. Más allá de los buenos argumentos de no darle un podio al representante de un estado terrorista, creo que resultó muy bien, que el público americano lo vio como lo que es, un fanático asesino, enemigo de la libertad, que los (nos) odia y que quiere armas nucleares. Cuando las bunker-busters lluevan sobre las instalaciones nucleares iraníes, este video en la Cumbia U será muy útil.

    Por supuesto, para la norueguita y sus amigos, importa más la "libertad académica" que los presos políticos, las torturas, el terrorismo y lo que venga. Pero ya los conocemos, eran los que justificaban a Stalin, que decían que la URSS quería la paz y el pueblo americano también pero era esclavo del "complejo industrial-militar".

    Ahora están dispuestos a justificar cualquier cosa de parte de Irán, Al Qaeda o Hezbolláh y van por el otro flanco del congelamiento, digo calentamiento, digo cambio climático ... global.

    Parecen ser el cáncer que generan las sociedades libres, a las que odian pero nunca abandonarían por la URSS, Cuba, Alemania Oriental, Irán o Arabia Saudita.

  2. El artículo de Peggy Noonan es fantástico:

  3. ¡Quiero a Almeja en la UBA, de inmediato!

  4. Almeja de la UBA se retira horrorizado por el extremo antiamericanismo de la audiencia.


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