Oct 12, 2007

¡Se siente, Gore presidente!

Más reacciones al premio Nóbel de Al Gore, me quedo con la de Melanie Phillips:

“Awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Gore perfectly symbolises a western world that has lost its reason and its capacity to tell truth from lies."

Acualizado, otra más:

Nos vamos para arriba.

Cato scholar and IPCC member Patrick J. Michaels agrees with El Opinador. Sostiene que:

"For twenty years, (Gore) has not changed his story: climate change is the most important issue confronting our planet, it should be the 'central organizing principle' for civilization, and it is caused by a conspiracy of a few greedy individuals. ...We can only hope that he can parlay his prize into a run for the U.S. presidency, where he will be unable to hide from debate on his extreme and one-sided view of global warming."


  1. No sé si alguno leyó State of Fear. El libro es un poco aburrido, la historia es un poco floja, pero la verdad que el argumento de Crichton es muy bueno y está muy bien fundamentado en el libro.

    Quizás ya hayan leído esto:


    pero si no lo hicieron, no se lo pierdan, no tiene desperdicio.


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