Confieso que me cuesta entender. En países como Canadá un chiste o comentario con el menor trasfondo sexista te puede costar el empleo. Pero mucha de la misma gente que defiende a muerte este tipo de medidas justifica el tratamiento de las mujeres en países como Sudán y Arabia Saudita en nombre del multiculturalismo.
No hay caso, se trata del efecto narcotizante de la corrección politica:
Once upon a time, in a country called South Africa, the color of your skin determined where you lived, what jobs you were allowed to have and whether you could vote.
Decent countries around the world fought the evil of racial apartheid by turning South Africa into a pariah state. They barred it from global events such as the Olympics. Businesses and universities boycotted South Africa, damaging its economy and adding to the isolation of the white-minority government, which finally repealed apartheid laws in 1991.
Today, in a country called Saudi Arabia, it is gender rather than racial apartheid that is the evil. But the international community watches quietly and does nothing.
Saudi women cannot vote, cannot drive, cannot be treated in a hospital or travel without the written permission of a male guardian, cannot study the same things men do, and are barred from certain professions. Saudi women are denied many of the same rights that "blacks" and "coloreds" were denied in South Africa.
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