Jan 8, 2008


¿Qué va a pasar con el precio del petróleo? ¿Sigue subiendo indefinidamente? Puede ser, pero el mercado aparentemente no piensa lo mismo:

Oil prices might indeed be on a rocket ship upwards for as far as the eye can see, but market actors don’t think so. At the New York Mercantile Exchange, oil for delivery from next month through December 2016 is showing a downward price trend. In short, the people with the most money on the line - who will live and die (economically speaking) by these assessments - aren’t buying Gibson’s assertion about the future.

More evidence can be found the behavior of oil inventory holders. At present, oil inventories are being released to the market –hardly what one would expect if inventory holders thought that oil prices will continue their long march upward.


  1. $2.60 el litro de la ecológica pagué hoy. En un año estoy pidiendo que invadan algún país con petróleo.

    Y pensar que me indigné cuando Bush llevó la libertad a Irak.

  2. Sigue barato, acá está a 1,12 dólares el litro.


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