Jan 20, 2008

El Bobby

(De Ramiro, que me tiene de cadete)

Este país me fascina, no es un secreto esto. Pero a veces me provoca tanta frustración cuando se embarca en políticas sin sentido. Por ejemplo: embargos. Lean el obituario a Fischer. Me encantó:

Bobby Fischer, the enigmatic American chess genius who became a Cold War hero with his 1972 defeat of Soviet champion Boris Spassky but fell from grace in later decades when he became a recluse and fugitive known for his hate-filled rants, has died. He was 64.

The legendary chess champion died Thursday in Reykjavik, Iceland, after a long illness, according to his spokesman, Gardar Sverrisson.

Fischer had lived in Iceland since 2005, when that country, which had hosted his legendary match against Spassky, offered him citizenship. He had been on the run from U.S. authorities since a 1992 rematch with Spassky in Yugoslavia that violated economic sanctions against Slobodan Milosevic's Serbian government. When Fischer made anti-American statements after the 9/11 attacks in New York and Washington, the U.S. revoked his passport and unsuccessfully sought his return.


  1. "...an intellectual giant I would rank next to Newton and Einstein."

    Un poco mucho, no?

    Fischer fue el Maradona del ajedrez, pero nada mas que eso.

  2. Los embargos suelen ser una pavada pero lo que me gusta es la idea de sostener la ley.


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