Jan 16, 2008

Universal Health Care

Vote Clinton and we will all have this


  1. Tendremos menos salud pero habremos recuperado la Dignidad.

  2. If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free.

  3. Vean este escalofriante articulito del 2003.

    In one of the funniest episodes of "The Simpsons," a deranged dentist terrifies children into brushing and flossing by forcing them to page through a ghastly "Big Book of British Smiles." Americans have long wondered why our English friends have such horrible teeth. Even the likes of Tony Blair and Prince Charles have choppers worthy of a Detroit crack addict or San Francisco vagrant.

    Here's one reason: The so-called National Health Service has wreaked havoc on the U.K.'s dental care.

    The Times reports that things are so bad that 600 dentally challenged Welshmen laid siege to one dental office in Carmarthen in a desperate effort to get an appointment. People came from 90 miles away, pitched tents and even attempted bribery.


    "Because they are paying national insurance, people feel they are entitled to service," said Heather Davies, the office manager.

    Imagine that. What nerve, expecting to get what you pay for. What remains of the free market is keeping the U.K. from losing its last molar and bicuspid.

  4. Hace poco leía un horripilante relato de las prácticas “do it yourself” en las que tiene que caer mucha gente en el Reino Unido por no tener acceso a dentistas, pero por algún motivo ahora no puedo encontrar el post en cuestión.


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