Feb 12, 2008

Las predicciones del WSJ sobre las elecciones de EEUU:

But despite these obstacles, John McCain will now begin to assemble his fall election team with surprisingly good poll results. The average of all the recent national polls summarized by RealClearPolitics.com show the Arizona senator leading Hillary Clinton by 47% to 45% and trailing Barack Obama by only 44% to 47%. Both results are within the statistical margin of error for national polls, so it's fair to say Mr. McCain starts out with an even chance of winning.

How could that be? The answer is that the same maverick streak and occasional departures from conservative orthodoxy that make conservatives queasy have the opposite effect on independents and even some Democrats. Mr. McCain's favorable numbers with independents exceed those of Barack Obama, who has emphasized his desire to work across party lines.


  1. Aaaahhh...Si todo el mundo votara en Gringolandia para estas elecciones...:


    y si viera estos resultados?


    Me parece que USA es una isla que sobrevive a la pálida global :-)

  2. ¿Te imaginas cuál sería la reacción de la progresía internacional si se planteara esto mismo para cualquier otro país del mundo, por ejemplo Cuba?


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