Mar 17, 2008

Antes estaba con HP, ahora con Mac

Carly Fiorina, ex-CEO de Hewlett-Packard y una de las mujeres mas influyentes en EEUU, está adoptando un rol creciente en la campaña de McCain, y fue nombrada "victory chairman" del RNC. Los rumores hablan hasta de la Secretaría de Comercio para ella, en caso de un triunfo de Mac. Interesante nota en Business Week :

What do you see as the biggest difference between McCain and his Democratic rivals, in terms of issues that are important to business?

Well, I think John McCain and the Republican party believe that you put money and choices in the hands of people, not in the hands of government. That's as simply as I can say it. And I think from a foreign perspective or a foreign engagement perspective, John McCain supports free trade, and so do I, because it creates jobs and it creates growth for this country. The Democrats are clearly becoming more protectionist with each passing speech. And either Democratic candidate has said very clearly that they will withdraw our troops from Iraq and signal defeat and surrender. And neither John McCain nor I believe that's the right thing to do. We can win in Iraq, and we should.

Aquí el reportaje completo.

1 comment:

  1. Y el vivo de Néstor no la recibió.


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