May 13, 2008

Miseria primermundista

Encuesta en mi radio que pasa a Rush!


  1. Hasta que se desmaterializa, hasta que se convierte en polvo atmosférico.

    Hay un monólogo de Seinfeld al respecto:

    "There is no vintage underwear of course, but it's not because the guy couldn't sell his underwear, it's because men wear their underwear until it absolutely disintegrates. Men hang on to underwear until, until each individual underwear molecule is so strained it can barely retain the properties of a solid. It actually becomes underwear vapor. W-we don't even throw it out, we just open a window and it goes out like dandelion spoors. That's how men throw out underwear we just go (blows on the mic) and it's gone that it is just.


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