May 9, 2008

Thomas Sowell sobre Obama y Jeremiah Wright, su pastor:

Both men, in their different ways, have for decades been promoting the far left vision of victimization and grievances-- Wright from his pulpit and Obama in roles ranging from community organizer to the United States Senate, where he has had the farthest left voting record.

Later, when the ultimate political prize-- the White House-- loomed on the horizon, Obama did a complete makeover, now portraying himself as a healer of divisions.

The difference between Barack Obama and Jeremiah Wright is that they are addressing different audiences, using different styles adapted to those audiences.

It is a difference between upscale demagoguery and ghetto demagoguery, playing the audience for suckers in both cases.


  1. If he were elected John McCain would be the oldest person ever to be sworn in as president.

    We need young blood to change our country.

    Go Obama go!!!

  2. muy profundo, me moviste hasta las lagrimas


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