J.R. Dunn en The American Thinker se pregunta por qué la campaña de Obama eligió el águila azul como símbolo. ¿Pura casualidad?
It's been completely overlooked (as far as I've seen, anyway) that a direct inspiration for the seal was the public symbol for one of Franklin D. Roosevelt's greatest policy disasters. An eagle, a blue background: Blue Eagle. Which happens to have been the emblem of the National Recovery Administration, FDR's attempt to beat the Depression by collectivizing the U.S. economy.
The NRA was the centerpiece of the "Hundred Days", FDR's whirlwind law-passing spree following his inauguration. It was the work of "brain trusters" Rexford G. Tugwell and Adolf Berle, adapted directly from Mussolini's "corporative" system.
encima nos chorearon las siglas
ReplyDeleteUf..... por un momneto pensé que los que se habían aprogresado eran los fellows de la verdadera NRA