Mucha gente muy satisfecha y aliviada por el fallo de la Suprema Corte de EEUU sobre la segunda enmienda de la constitución de ese país.
Pero, chicas, sin pretender ser un aguafiestas, la enmienda se salvó por un juez. Un voto fue lo que evitó que se convierta en letra muerta.
Y, como dice este profesor de Georgetown, todo el mundo feliz de la vida porque la Suprema Corte decidió graciosamente por un voto de diferencia que lo que está escrito en la Constitución de EEUU debe ser interpretado tal como está escrito.
Update by Mike :
En línea con estas opiniones, Steve H. (hogonice.com) lo expresa muy claramente. El problema mas grande de Barack Me Obamadeus, es la clase de jueces que propondría para la Suprema Corte.
Look at this [the court opinion] : "Petitioners and today’s dissenting Justices believe that it protects only the right to possess and carry a firearm in connection with militia service."
That should send chills down your spine. Look how close we came to losing the right to bear arms. If you're one of the many idiots who do not understand that a vote for a liberal President is a vote for judges who will destroy your rights, you need to have your face rubbed in this sentence over and over. And if you're stupid enough to stay home as a protest or vote for Bob Barr, helping Obama get elected, you deserve to live in North Korea. All four far-left judges wanted to repeal the Second Amendment, and the only thing that saved us was the presence of that perpetual embarrassment, Kennedy.
Had Al Gore won the 2000 election, we would not have Alito or Roberts, and the individual right to bear arms would no longer exist, and every one of us would be facing the possibility of total gun confiscation, with no constitutional remedy. We would have to rely on the good judgment of our state and local governments to protect us.
Liberty is always given a narrow interpretation by the state, while governmental powers are always given an expansive definition.
ReplyDeleteMetí un update interesante al post, check it out.
ReplyDeleteLeí por ahí que la chance de BHO de reemplazar hasta tres jueces conservas, es comparable en el poker a un ROYAL FLUSH.
ReplyDeleteO en el caso de BHO: Flush America through the WC.