Un tema muy interesante, la regeneración de miembros al mejor estilo salamandra. Espero que algún día sea posible:
Humans have long wondered how the salamander pulls off this feat. How does the regrowing part of the limb “know” how much limb is missing and needs to be replaced? Why doesn’t the skin at the stump form a scar to seal off the wound as it would in humans? How can adult salamander tissue retain the embryonic potential to build an entire limb from scratch multiple times? Biologists are closing in on the answers to those questions. And if we can understand how the regeneration process works in nature, we hope to be able to trigger it in people to regenerate amputated limbs, for example, and transform the healing of other major wounds.
Imaginate, te lo cortás de viejo y seguro que te crece fuerte y joven, como el pelo.