Aug 2, 2008

Otra idea genial de Juan Domingo Obama

De Don Beaudreaux:

Barack Obama proposes to deal with rising gasoline prices by giving a $1,000 "emergency rebate" to consumers - a rebate to be paid for by taxing the so-called "windfall profits" of oil producers ("Obama pitches $1,000 energy rebate checks," August 2).

In other words, a critical part of Sen. Obama's strategy for reigning in high gasoline prices is to subsidize gasoline consumption and more heavily tax its production. This plan - which increases the demand for gasoline and reduces its supply - makes as much sense as trying to put out a fire by dowsing it with jet fuel.


  1. No se puede creer, se garcan en la oferta y la demanda.

  2. ¿Y las windfall profits de los jugadores de la Major League Baseball?

  3. qué será peor?
    llamarse hussein o llamarse juan domingo?


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