Sep 8, 2008

Contradicciones culturales

Clive Crook cree que los demócratas tienen que ser más respetuosos de la gente que dicen defender. Yo creo que el desprecio que sienten por la gente común, por el tipo que se levantas todos los días a ganarse la vida, es universal y compartido por la izquierda en todos los tiempos:

Democrats speak up for the less prosperous; they have well-intentioned policies to help them; they are disturbed by inequality, and want to do something about it. Their concern is real and admirable. The trouble is, they lack respect for the objects of their solicitude. Their sympathy comes mixed with disdain, and even contempt.

Democrats regard their policies as self-evidently in the interests of the US working and middle classes. Yet those wide segments of US society keep helping to elect Republican presidents. How is one to account for this? Are those people idiots? Frankly, yes – or so many liberals are driven to conclude. Either that or bigots, clinging to guns, God and white supremacy; or else pathetic dupes, ever at the disposal of Republican strategists. If they only had the brains to vote in their interests, Democrats think, the party would never be out of power. But again and again, the Republicans tell their lies, and those stupid damned voters buy it.

(Gracias, Vladtepes)


  1. Lo acabo de leer. Muy bueno, sí, están otra vez dejando escapar una oportunidad de regresar a la Casa Blanca.

    Pero está en su naturaleza.

  2. Polls fresquitos

    McCain arriba en Virginia y Colorado (estados clave en esta elección).

    Obama arriba solo por 1 en el decadente estado progre de Michigan.

  3. El problema es que muchos votantes americanos deben ser porteños y, como dijo el tolerante J.P.Feinmann, "los porteños son unos boludos" y siempre votan para la mierda.

    YO (el enmascarado)

    P.S. Mi pollo avanza lenta, pero sostenidamente.


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