Sep 8, 2008

Fannie Shit

Más sobre el vergonzoso salvataje de Fannie Mae y Freddie Mac. Parece que en lo único que se ponen de acuerdo demócratas y republicanos es en cómo dilapidar la plata de los contribuyentes:

When businesses make bad decisions, they should suffer economic losses. That’s how we keep the system honest and productive. Caroline Baum of Bloomberg points out that the bailout for subprime borrowers involved helping people to stay in homes that they couldn’t afford, in many cases because they misled lenders or connived with lenders who knew they could package and resell bad mortgages. When governments make bad decisions, they should not pour good money after bad. Instead, they should try to repeal burdensome regulations, privatize functions that ought to be private, and be willing to sell purchases they shouldn’t have made, even at a loss.


  1. "When businesses make bad decisions, they should suffer economic losses. That’s how we keep the system honest and productive."




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