Sep 17, 2008


Qué increíble. Hasta hace pocos meses se decía que los demócratas ganaban las elecciones corriendo de espaldas en ojotas. Ahora se la pasan mirando el reloj. ¿Se imaginan lo que se viene si, a pesar de todo, pierde Obama?

Como no es humanamente posible que Obama pierda, no queda otra explicación que fraude electoral y/o el profundo racismo del norteamericano promedio:

If Obama is rejected by voters, liberal activists will face a difficult moment. Mondale, Dukakis, Gore, Kerry, sure. There was something wrong with them. A failure to connect. A remoteness. A coldness felt in some feathers of the left wing. Bill Clinton was an electoral success, but something about him didn’t sit right. The drama. The southerness. The welfare reform. The zaftig valley girl. Activists can understand why voters might have punished Hillary for the sins of Bill.

But Obama? He is perfect.

A rejection of Obama can only mean one of two things: a rejection of the 1960s formulation of liberalism (the current formulation, alas) or that America is deeply racist. Too many of them will go for the second hypotheses.

Too many think that elections turn on identities, not ideas.


  1. encopntrado entre los comments del website de Miniter:
    If Obama loses… okay, when Obama loses, we will have fulfilled the great Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream.
    We will have judged a man, not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character.”

  2. lo mismo pasa en bolivia, tenés que aguantarte cualquier estupidez, robo, desastre que haga evo morales porque sinó, sos un malvado y racista anti indigenista!

    me tiene harto.

  3. hay algo todavía peor, que obama gane.

    cualquiera que le cuestione alguna decisición va a ser acusado de racista.

    vas a estar obligado a tener que estar de acuerdo con el 100% de las cosas que diga obama.


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