Oct 28, 2008

Arthur Laffer:
President Clinton signed into law welfare reform, so people actually have to look for a job before being eligible for welfare. He ended the "retirement test" for Social Security benefits (a huge tax cut for elderly workers), pushed the North American Free Trade Agreement through Congress against his union supporters and many of his own party members, signed the largest capital gains tax cut ever (which exempted owner-occupied homes from capital gains taxes), and finally reduced government spending as a share of GDP by an amazing three percentage points (more than the next four best presidents combined). The stock market loved Mr. Clinton as it had loved Reagan, and for good reasons.

The stock market is obviously no fan of second-term George W. Bush, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Ben Bernanke, Barack Obama or John McCain, and again for good reasons.

1 comment:

  1. Es cierto, pero Billcito BJ Clinton lo logró en gran medida dejándole a Bush el fierro caliente de hacerse cargo del terrorismo internacional. Hay quienes dicen que si Mr. BJ hubiera actuado en su momento, ante los atentados al USS Cole, a las embajadas y demás, muy probablemente el ataque del 11 de septiembre de 2001 nunca hubiera tenido lugar.


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