Oct 27, 2008


Yo ya lo dije varias veces por acá, muchas de las taras mentales de tanta gente en Québec están muy relacionadas a la mentalidad de víctima tan común en países como Argentina. La idea de que Québec le hace un favor al planeta al existir y que el mundo vive permanentemente en deuda con ellos sencillamente por ser quebecos. Y se acumula el hartazgo en el resto de Canadá:

By voting Bloc for six consecutive elections, the largest number of francophones in Quebec turned their backs on Canada, while not expecting that the rest of Canada would ever turn its back on Quebec.

Bloc voters obviously feel comfortable with the party. Some are separatists; others are not. They apparently welcome a party that wants no part of governing Canada while continuing to demand more and more from it. More and more in the sense of more money for Quebec, more jurisdictional power, a larger international presence and other way stations to the Bloc's eventual goal of an independent Quebec.


Since 1993, the largest number of francophone Quebeckers apparently has wanted no part of federal parties, and therefore of the government or governance of Canada. Canada is no longer a country they wish to participate in governing, but one from which they wish to withdraw cash, like an automated teller machine.

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