Nov 18, 2008

El maestro Thomas Sowell sobre la tendencia natural al populismo de todo político que se precie de tal:

Wouldn't it be wonderful to live in a world where there were no prices?

If you happened to want a Rolex or a Rolls-Royce, you could just go get one-- or two if you wanted-- and not have to worry about ugly little things like price tags.

There is such a world. It is the world of political rhetoric. No wonder so many people are attracted to that world. It would be a great place to live.


  1. lo Opinadores no compramos Rolex porque no se nos cantan la bolas

  2. sería maravilloso si cobráramos en especies, supo decir el boludo de joan manoel serrat.

    Yo voy, le escribo un post a don Rolex, le edito una fotito del fotolog de Cristina, y chau!!! un Submariner.

    Después me voy a verlo a mister Rolls y le hago un fisking del último discurso de Gordon Brown, y chau!!! Un silver ghost.


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