Nov 4, 2008

Si no la gana, la empata ?

Mientras hace efecto el Lexotanil, unos escenarios a considerar.
In 2000, Democrat Al Gore narrowly won the popular vote by 537,179 votes. But George W. Bush won the state-by-state electoral balloting that determines the presidency, 271 to 266. The outcome wasn't clear until a 36-day recount awarded Florida, then worth 25 electoral votes, to Bush by just a 537-vote margin. [...]

Then there's the question of a tie in the Electoral College. In that case, members of the next House would select the winner. If Obama carries every state that Democrat John Kerry won in 2004, plus Iowa, New Mexico and Nevada, then he and McCain each would have 269 electoral votes. A tie also would result if McCain takes New Hampshire from the Democrats' column but loses Iowa, New Mexico and another state that Bush won, Colorado. [...]
Cutting nails with the butt...


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