Dec 5, 2008

Más sobre los 75 años de la abolición de la "Ley Seca" en EEUU, esta vez del WSJ. Insisto, en algún momento debería haber un debate muy serio sobre las otras sustancias prohibidas:

Consider the consequences of drug prohibition today: 500,000 people incarcerated in U.S. prisons and jails for nonviolent drug-law violations; 1.8 million drug arrests last year; tens of billions of taxpayer dollars expended annually to fund a drug war that 76% of Americans say has failed; millions now marked for life as former drug felons; many thousands dying each year from drug overdoses that have more to do with prohibitionist policies than the drugs themselves, and tens of thousands more needlessly infected with AIDS and Hepatitis C because those same policies undermine and block responsible public-health policies.

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