May 16, 2009

De la sección “la pucha que es lindo ser progre", no se pierdan a Victor Davis Hanson sobre los primeros 100 días de la presidente Palin:

The first 100 days of the Palin presidency, according to a consensus of media commentators, have proven a near disaster. Perhaps it was Palin’s scant two years’ experience in a major government position that has eroded her gravitas, or maybe it was her flirty reliance on looks and informal chit-chat. In any case, the press has had a field day, and it is hard to see how President Palin can ever recover from the Quayle/potatoe syndrome. Here is a roundup of this week’s pundit mockery.

1 comment:

  1. Jaja, muy buen ataque indirecto a Barry. Realmente cada vez lo soporto menos, y lo (poco) que esta haciendo bien es gracias a Mr Gates, el secretario de defensa que, oh sorpresa!, es el mismo que el de Mr G W Bush.




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