May 19, 2009

¿Están siguiendo el bolonqui de Pelosi y las sesiones de información sobre técnicas de interrogación agresivas de la CIA?

De Dolores, el poema de Huckabee para Doña Nancy:

Here's a story about a lady named Nancy
A ruthless politician, but dressed very fancy
Very ambitious, she got herself elected Speaker
But as for keeping secrets, she proved quite a "leaker."

She sat in briefings and knew about enhanced interrogation;
But claims she wasn't there, and can't give an explanation.
She disparages the CIA and says they are a bunch of liars;
Even the press aren't buying it and they're stoking their fires.

I think Speaker Pelosi has done too much speaking;
And instead of her trashing our intelligence officials, it's her nose that needs tweaking.

1 comment:

  1. En Intrade ya colocaron una apuesta sobre si Pelosi renuncia como speaker antes del 30 de Junio, pero no sé si es probable.


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