May 28, 2009

Más sobre Sonia*, la candidata de Obama a la Suprema Corte de EEUU. ¿Su mayor mérito para tan distinguido cargo? Su raza. Y ahora te la quieren vender como la personificación de las calificaciones personales.

Dejate de joder. Preferiría que te lo digan de frente:

I've been hoping that someone might be bold enough to rain on the Sotomayor "compelling life story" parade.

The woman grew up in the capital of the world, went to two Ivy League schools, and was blessed by Providence with the precisely correct right race-gender two-fer for the moment.

This is a story of privilege, dammit, not adversity.

Show me a Montana girl of un-useful ethnicity who put herself through law school waiting tables, after being left with two young children when her Army husband was killed overseas, and I'll start oohing and aahing over her compelling story.

Of course, such a person would never ever end up on any President's short-list, no matter if she graduated first in her class at her non-Ivy institution, no matter how extreme the intelligence and dedication and hard work she displayed over the subsequent course of her career. That's simply how the world — and especially the legal world — is constructed today.

It's so much easier to take a properly-credentialed member of the East Coast elite and hold her up as a shining example of American meritocracy instead, because she is conveniently hued and delayed her entry to the world of the well-heeled until the age of 18 or so. Easy, and misleading. Feugh!

*Ahora que está tan de moda entre nosotros los progres tratar por el primer nombre a las mujeres famosas.


  1. Luis, hablando de mujeres, y refiriéndonos a un país sudamericano, de tanto que hablamos de Humala, mirá quien está primera en las encuestas para las elecciones presidenciales de 2011. Y no me refiero a Lourdes Flores:

    Algunos datos a tener en cuenta:
    -En 1990, Alan García era presidente de Perú. Ahora, también.
    -Fujimori ganó las elecciones en 1990 con el voto del APRA. No descarto que en 2011 vuelva a pasar lo mismo.

    ¿La historia se repite?


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