May 13, 2009

Tone-deaf corporations

Bill Whittle, sobre las corporaciones que reciben subsidios con una mano, y con la otra compran LearJets para los directivos.

[...] In fact, the attitude of some of these big corporations, with their hat out in one hand as they write enormous checks for luxuries with the other, is so out of touch with the mood of the country, so absolutely and utterly TONE DEAF that I was trying to think of the last thing I read along these lines that was this damned outrageous. And then I remembered it, and I want to share it with you since it’s such a great story.

This man is someone you, and everyone else in the world, should know. His name is Wallace Hartley. Wallace Hartley was not a great general or a politician. Wallace Hartley was a musician. A young Englishman from Lancashire, he was 33 years old when he took – with misgivings – a job as bandleader on the most remarkable ocean liner of his day.

Just after midnight on the morning of April 15th, 1912, Wallace Hartley and the rest of his orchestra awoke to discover that their ocean liner had struck an iceberg and was sinking into the ice-cold North Atlantic. Hartley gathered his musicians, and in the space of a few minutes, these men made a decision.

Ahora vayan y lean el resto.


  1. Ahora entro, este pibe Whittle es un placer.

  2. El primer comentario es una excelente propuesta para equilibrar la balanza:

    1. stringray13:
    The obvious, poetic solution would be to round up the subhumans that so abuse the taxpayer’s money and put them on a large oceanliner aimed at an iceberg.

    We can dedicate this voyage to the Band.


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