Jun 2, 2009

Todos los beneficios, ninguno de los costos

Yo sigo en lo del Cato. Lean esto y díganme si les hace acordar a algún otro país por ahí:

Sixty percent of Americans say the federal government has too much power and too much money, according to a Rasmussen poll released last month. And they're right. But what are they willing to do about it?


Analyzing two recent government reports on Social Security and Medicare, economist Bruce Bartlett reports that "federal taxes would have to rise by roughly 81% to pay all the benefits promised by these programs under current law."

Yet the American voter wants to head off our looming fiscal apocalypse by giving a haircut to NASA and raising taxes on booze and smokes. Sure, that'll cover it.

1 comment:

  1. yo también siento que los kirchner manejan demasiado dinero.


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