Jul 29, 2009

Muy interesante columna de William Poole, de Cato, sobre la socialización del sistema de salud.

El autor explica que, como los recursos son finitos y las necesidades infinitas, en realidad el debate es sobre quién debe racionar el tratamiento: los funcionarios del gobierno o los consumidores.

Yo voto toda la vida por los consumidores:

Many will accept economists' hard logic when it comes to expenditure categories other than health care — foreign travel, size of house, number of cars and so forth. In these examples, higher income families can spend more. It's troubling when this logic is applied to health care, but there is no escape from the principles of economics. An economy has finite resources; health care resources are not sufficient and never will be to permit state-of-the-art health care for everyone. Scarcity of finite resources is taught in economics 101. Strangely, this scarcity of resources is ignored in the debate over health care reform.

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