Aug 7, 2009

Mark Krikorian, de The Corner, anda de visita en la ciudad de Québec. Por el apellido parece armenio, pero por lo que dice debe ser argento. Todos los beneficios, ninguno de los costos:

Quebecois are a distinct people, a nation, who should have an independent state (though, I hasten to add, it's none of our government's business one way or the other). But what they have now seems better than that — all the advantages of independence without any of the responsibility, kind of like Puerto Rico. And the destructive effects of efforts to keep Quebec in the Canadian confederation (official national bilingualism and the attendant rise of bilingual, deracinated elites) should be a warning of the disaster that would result were Puerto Rico to become a state. Vive le Quebec libre! Viva Puerto Rico libre!

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