Aug 28, 2009

Officer Wesley Cheeks, a fascist

"This ain't America no more" (Wesley Cheeks)


  1. Officer Cheeks is a sworn police officer with the Fairfax County (VA) School District Police. If you would like to file a complaint against Officer Cheeks, go here:

    Complaints should be addressed to:

    Major James A. Morris
    Fairfax County Police Department
    (703) 246-2918

    Let Major Morris know that, contrary to what his officer thinks, this is STILL America, the Constitution has not yet been scrapped, the First Amendment still applies, and their oath requires that they respect the right to free speech of all Americans, even when the officer does not like the speech. The First Amendment does not just protect speech the officer on the scene agrees with, and he is not free to implement his own mini-constitutional suspension zone.

    You can also read more about this incident at OATH KEEPERS:

  2. ¡Qué horrible que en una república se confunda al presidente con el rey!


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