Aug 25, 2009

¿Se dieron cuenta los norteamericanos que votaron un mamotreto como presidente? Yo todavía tengo mis dudas:

We were led to this summer of discontent by the very nature of the coalition that brought Mr. Obama, and the political class around him, to power, and by the circumstances of his victory. The man was elected amid economic distress. Faith in the country's institutions, perhaps in the free-enterprise system itself, had given way. Mr. Obama had ridden that distress. His politics of charisma was reminiscent of the Third World. A leader steps forth, better yet someone with no discernible trail, someone hard to pin down to a specific political program, and the crowd could read into him what it wished, what it needed.

(Gracias, Dolores)


  1. te olvidaste de Bush (ambos dos) ;)

  2. Anónimo, puede ser, pero a Bush no lo vendieron jamás como el regreso del Mesías.


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