Sep 3, 2009


Más sobre Walmart, la bestia negra de la progresía. El gran pecado de la compañía es hacer que los pobres de EEUU sean menos pobres.

Sin intervención estatal.

Sin comisiones, ni controles de precios, ni leyes, ni regulaciones, ni necesidad de políticos bienintencionados.

Dónde se ha visto:

Walmart is a place where those who cannot afford to shop elsewhere shop. It is a place where the riches of the world are laid out for the poor to purchase and consume. If Walmart did not exist then the poor would have to shop at more expensive places: that is, the poor would be even poorer.

And Goldberg thinks that the villains of this piece are the people who bring this opportunity to the poor? Cheap food, cheap clothes, cheap bicycles, cheap electronics for the poor are a bad idea? The poor should be even poorer than they are?

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