Sep 14, 2009

La coherencia del mundo

Guy Sorman tambien rinde su homenaje a Norman Borlaug, y rescato este parrafo:

Borlaug was no innocent scientist: he knew that science could feed the world only when political conditions were right. In the case of India and Mexico, the semi-dwarf wheat and rice worked marvels because the farmers owned their own land. As private owners, they had a vested interest in using more expensive seeds that would produce a higher yield. Local authorities provided the water for irrigation: both the Mexican and Indian governments did it right, later followed by Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines. But without private entrepreneurs, the Green Revolution would not have taken place. While touring the world, Borlaug always stressed that seeds by themselves could not eradicate hunger. Private property, entrepreneurship, and reliable governments were essential prerequisites.

Por que este? Porque es bien claro que el tipo no tenía banderas políticas, su meta era solo darle de comer a más gente. Y veía evidente que la propiedad privada es una herramienta contra el hambre, y lo veía desde la ciencia y la práctica, no desde maquinaciones esotericas y abstractas. Who is John Galt?

1 comment:

  1. ¿Alimentar al mundo a través del derecho de propiedad? ¡Pero las cosas que dice este energúmeno!

    ¡Propiedad comunal querrá decir!


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