Sep 19, 2009

“A slight anomaly”

Como te digo, Luis. Antes yo pensaba que se podía ser progre y de buena fe:

In fact, the [New York] Times' coverage of the huge anti-government rally in the nation's capital was on the same level as the favorable coverage of an ACORN-organized left-wing "bus tour" of homes of American International Group executives back in March, a piece of Astroturf so blatant even the Times admitted the media outnumbered the protesters. Yet while 40 left-wing protesters in Connecticut were worth a 724-word Times story back in March, an estimated 70,000 anti-Obama protesters in D.C. garnered a 932-word story on Saturday. A slight anomaly?


1 comment:

  1. Es muy difícil que alguien que se empeña en vivir fuera de la realidad actúe de buena fe.


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