Sep 10, 2009

Visto en CBP, cuatro preguntas para hacerse sobre la estatización del sistema de salud en EEUU.

Yo sigo creyendo que el objetivo de fondo no es tratar de encontrar una solución a los problemas del sistema de salud sino un mayor control de la economía por parte del estado:

Why does the impending fiscal disaster known as Medicare justify increasing the role of the federal government and reducing the role of prices which are the essence of Medicare?

Why is the fact that “every other industrial nation provides universal health care coverage” considered evidence for its desirability?

Why do proponents of universal care argue that demand for health care is vertical when a major cause of the expanded use of health care over the last 40 years is the fact that so many people now pay so little out of their own pocket?

Why does there exist a widespread sense that each of us, as individuals, is incapable of — or should not be obliged to — providing for our own health-care needs in the same way that we provide for our own grocery needs, our own household-furniture needs, our own automobile-insurance needs, and many other of our needs?

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