Oct 23, 2009

Impuestazo con el sello de Obama

Muy interesante articulo en Powerline sobre el impuestazo que se viene en EEUU, y como va a afectar a los "ricos" que votaron en su mayoría por Obama.

[...] These people make a lot of money, true, but they have big, big expenses--expenses of a type utterly unknown to vast, vast majority of Americans.

There is the $700,000 mortgage on the house, which may have been increased in recent years by the addition of a new wing or a pool.

There is the insurance (and perhaps even the payments) on two expensive European luxury cars, one typically a Mercedes, the other a Jaguar.

There are private schools for the kids. It's true that Montgomery County, Maryland, has the best public schools in the nation, or nearly so, but that isn't the way one's offspring will get into Harvard or Princeton or make contacts that will last him or her a lifetime. So it's St. Alban's or Sidwell Friends or even Choate or Andover or Exeter. Tuition for each child, roughly $50,000 a year.

There is the au pair woman from the Third World who takes care of the kids and the house while the parents are at work. She receives not only a real salary but a bedroom and bath of her own (requiring expensive modifications to the building), not to mention health insurance and now--horror of horrors!--even contributions on her behalf to Social Security.

[...] It's not difficult to see that these people are living beyond their means.

And now the Savior Obama is threatening to raise their taxes. How else is he going to finance his various projects?

My question is: what were these people thinking back in the middle of last summer? That the outcome of a presidential election as ideologically polarized as the last one would make no difference whatsoever to their lifestyle? That voting for Obama was more of a style choice than a political decision? That they thought this would establish beyond all doubt that they weren't racists? Who knows? Maybe even they couldn't answer these questions now.

Los actos traen consecuencias. A ver si cuando les tocan la billetera se despabilan un poco.


  1. http://blogs.perfil.com/nomade/2009/04/21/rhodesia-miles-de-millones-de-dolares/

  2. Era inevitable. No se puede seguir gastando de esa manera. Aunque esta gente no sólo lo hace para financiarse, están convencidos de que los impuestos deben usarse para castigar a las personas que tienen el tupé de ser más eficientes en la generación de riqueza.

    De todos modos, la salida va a pasar por una licuación de la deuda mediante inflación.


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