Oct 16, 2009

Moron of the Day : Emily Douglas

Profundizar la recesión para salvar el medio ambiente. Como no se nos ocurrió antes ?

(CNSNews.com) - Emily Douglas, Web editor for The Nation magazine, said Wednesday that making the “recession worse” and making goods “more expensive” for Americans are means to reduce consumerism and preserve the environment.

[...] She continued: “But to the point about consumption: Yeah, I think things should be more expensive and that would do a lot and certainly reflect the, you know, better reflect the price of their, their real, their real price.”

Douglas later told CNSNews.com that this response was meant to follow-up on a statement by Dennis Dimick of National Geographic “who argued that the prices of goods should reflect the true environmental cost of producing them.”

The Nation magazine Web editor defended her position on increasing the cost of goods by arguing that it would give Americans an incentive to “buy less.”

“If goods are more expensive, it stands to reason that Americans will buy less of them,” she told CNSNews.com.

When asked for an example of how her suggestions could be put it practice, Douglas told CNSNews.com: “A gas tax would be a good start.”

O sea, la camarilla verde del Partido debe decidir "el verdadero costo de produccion", en lugar de que lo calcule, por ejemplo, EL PRODUCTOR.

Por supuesto, no hay limites para lo que se puede incluir en el "true environmental cost". El impacto sobre la selva amazónica, la ballena franca, los patrones migratorios del sorongo moteado de Cucamonga... todo será "cuantificable" y taxable para esta lacra ambientalista.

Espero que pronto los estadounidenses se despierten de verdad y se saquen de encima a estos vampiros.

1 comment:

  1. Como me dijeron alguna vez, llevado a las últimas consecuencias, la solución definitiva sería la desaparición de la humanidad. Bah, que queden Al Gore y 200 o 300 progres más.


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