Oct 22, 2009

Ni a una hiena

¿Alguien sigue viendo a Bill Maher? Debe ser lo más desagradable que anda dando vuelta por ahí.

Un claro ejemplo de cómo el fundamentalismo ideológico puede desbarrancar hasta al más pintado:

A leftward slant was one thing, and that was your prerogative in a free society. But when you began making sarcastic and disparaging remarks about children, arguing that animals are better than humans, and even going so far as to compare the First Lady to Hitler’s dog, you crossed a line for many of us. Admittedly there were plenty of things to criticize about the Bush administration, but do you even realize how ridiculous you look when you claim to be a libertarian and then carry the water for the most collectivist president (Obama) in this country’s history? Championing socialized medicine? Abolishing the second amendment? A libertarian collectivist? That’s about as philosophically duplicitous as it gets.

(Visto en Big Hollywood)

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