Dec 2, 2009


Qué tendrá Sarita, cuando los provoca, que tendrá Sarita que a los periodistas los vuelve locos.

Está claro que durante las elecciones el objetivo era desviar la atención para que el público no se avive de que Obama era un invento absoluto. Pero, ¿y ahora?

It’s really comical at this point! Despite all of the important events happening in the world today – the president’s speech tonight on the strategy in Afghanistan, the Senate debate over health care reform, the disturbing details of the “Climategate” scandal, the continuing challenges facing the world economy – the media is concerned about my travel and lodging arrangements on my book tour?! Does this sound familiar? It should. The media showed the same out-of-proportion obsession with my personal arrangements, clothes, and hairstyles last year instead of focusing on the crucial issues involving the election.


  1. Claro, porque Jeremiah Wright y Bill Ayers no tienen ninguna importancia.

  2. Falacia ad hominem. No pueden debatir ideas y atacan a la persona.


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