Dec 18, 2009

Yo no

¿Ustedes conocen alguna variedad de izquierda que no sea hipócrita?

Show me a climate control zealot and I can often show you a hypocrite, and a hypocrite, moreover, who speaks in apocalyptic terms about the world coming to an end - at a time not long hence and usually implausibly specific - if the rest of us do not immediately curb our lifestyles so as to produce fewer greenhouse gases.

The double standards and the grotesque exaggeration go hand in hand.

Some, at least, of the zealots do not really, honestly believe that things are as bad as they say. If they did, they might not go on serenely generating carbon emissions on such a scale.

They are trying to shock us into action by employing emotive language and invoking terrible dangers. In other words, they are treating us as fools.

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