Jan 19, 2010


Las personas actúan racionalmente según los incentivos. Pero, ¿por qué algunas sociedades desarrollan sistemas que incentivan conductas compatibles con el desarrollo y el progreso y otras no?

There is no question that our society is superior to Haiti’s in almost everything that touches on human well-being. Americans need not feel bashful about acknowledging this fact. But we should resist the temptation to assume that because we on average are more productive, disciplined, future-oriented, and law-abiding than Haitians, we as individuals are somehow superior to them.

Our society achieves those qualities because it rewards them. If Haitian society did the same, Haitians would develop them as well. Placed in the appalling conditions that afflict most Haitians, we would not necessarily do better than they do, and we might well do worse.

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