Jan 29, 2010

“Los guardianes de la libertad"

Ése es según Frei, el ex presidente de Chile, el papel de la izquierda.

¿Cómo se condice con la reacción de la progresía de EEUU ante la decisión de la Suprema Corte de EEUU sobre las contribuciones de compañías privadas a la política?:

One need not be a fan of big corporations—which in today's interventionist economy benefit from many government privileges—to see that restrictions on anyone's speech are dangerous. A government lawyer last year said that even corporate-funded books favoring or opposing candidates could be prohibited under McCain-Feingold. That should scare progressives—especially since the Federal Election Commission once had an anti-Bush book written by George Soros under scrutiny.

It is shameful that progressives are willing to throw free speech under the bus in their devotion to big government.

1 comment:

  1. Y claro, si el presidente del PC argentino dijo en una entrevista que Cuba era el país más libre de America!
    (lo vi en tv hace un tiempo, daba vergüenza ajena)


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