Mar 28, 2010

The Angry Economist, muy claro como siempre:

Health care in the USA is completely broken. Health care is a difficult problem, to be sure, but I think it's clear that we're currently solving it very badly. Two problems with health care: One is that people expect everyone to have the same health care as a rich person, even if they're not rich themselves. Another is that health care, not being exposed to the discipline of the market, is very expensive. If everyone gets the same health care as a rich person, then there is no pressure to create more frugal health care.

Health care then being expensive, everyone expects somebody else to be paying for their health care. This creates bizarre solutions. For example, in Canada, health care is paid by the federal government. In order to hold down taxes, access to health care is limited; typically by waiting periods. Or in the USA, most working people have their health care paid by their employer, except for a very small deductible. This makes it difficult for employees with health problems to switch employers. The government has created a ham-handed solution which permits former employees to continue their health insurance by paying the premium out of pocket..

Health care is important, without doubt. So is food (insufficient calories reduces your resistance to ordinary infections), but we generally don't expect everyone to be able to dine on caviar and steak every day. Many different kinds of food are available in many different venues and preparation styles, at reasonable prices. Yes, the poor may need to dine on beans and rice, but except for the most indigent, everyone can get enough calories, protein, and vitamins to stay healthy. Health care could be the same way; with cheap, worthwhile health care being available to everyone at affordable prices. We have chosen a different path; much to our detriment.

1 comment:

  1. el problema de lo estatal lo vemos todos los días. No hay ningún interés por mejorar, por buscar eficiencia, cualquier cambio que querés hacer te encontrás con que tal sindicato de gente que se dedica a eso no quiere y vivís de una pelea en otra.

    mientras que en una economía de mercado tenés que andar cambiando y mejorando las cosas constantemente. Está todo descentralizado y no puede alguien imponerse a frenar un avance, a no ser que lo haga con uso del estado, por lo que el freno viene de la mano del socialismo.

    la mayor parte de los avances en medicina vienen de donde hay economías privadas, donde todos se rompen la cabeza por ver que más pueden ofrecerte, que más pueden venderte, inventar, cambiar para llamarte la atención y que vos los elijas. En el socialismo eso no existe, por eso se produce un estancamiento de la tasa de cambio y todo se limita a exigir más y más presupuesto transformando a los problemas que podrían reducirse en problemas costantes.


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