Mar 2, 2010

Fundamentalismo ideológico

Relacionado con lo que decíamos ayer, aparentemente los capitostes demócratas, incluido Obama, están dispuestos a convertir en ley la estatización del sistema de salud, aún si significa perder el control del Congreso:

It's gotten personal, Griffith says. "You have personalities who have bet the farm, bet their reputations, on shoving a health care bill through the Congress. It's no longer about health care reform. It's all about ego now. The president's ego. Nancy Pelosi's ego. This is about personalities, saving face, and it has very little to do with what's good for the American people."

Conflicts driven by personal feelings can lead to self-destructive outcomes. Ask Griffith whether Speaker Pelosi, his old leader, would accept losing Democratic control of the House as the price for passing the health care bill, and he answers quickly. "Oh yeah. This is a trophy for the speaker, it's a trophy for several committee chairs, and it's a trophy for the president." It does not seem to matter that if Democrats lose the House, the speaker will no longer be speaker, the chairmen will no longer be chairmen, and the president will be significantly weakened.

1 comment:

  1. Bueno, no es criticable que estén dispuestos a sacrificar popularidad y poder por algo que ellos piensan que es bueno, el socialismo.

    El problema son las ideas, el resto es razonable.

    Yo elogiaría a los Republicanos si estuvieran dispuestos a afrontar los mismos riesgos par privatizar la Social Security o para bajar a lo bruto el poder y el gasto del gobierno federal.


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