Mar 31, 2010

Lo dice el Opinador y pasa un carro

Lo dicen en el Washington Examiner, y Glenn Reynolds les pide permiso para linkearlos en Instapundit.

United States of Argentina

[...] What the United States government will do in the future may be in question, but we need not look far to find past examples of countries unwilling to get their finances in order. Consider Argentina. In 1914, it was one of the wealthiest countries in the world, and its living standard exceeded that of Western Europe until the late 1950s. Then President Juan Peron squandered his nation's prosperity by introducing a host of redistributionist economic and regulatory policies, nationalizing utilities and foreign investments, and pumping up the national debt. What followed was three decades of political instability, growing dependency, and economic stagnation. [...]

Besides sending federal spending skyrocketing, Obama has, like so many of the politicians who ruined Argentina, dramatically increased government regulation of business, nationalized major sectors of the economy, and imposed a lengthy list of tax increases. America today is no more exempt from economic reality than Argentina was in years past. Make no mistake, these actions will eventually drain the life from this nation's economic vitality, just as they did in Argentina.

Pueden ir y leerlo todo, o quedarse a leer el Opinador, donde venimos diciendo esto mismo desde que apareció Obama.


  1. Yo creo que la gran mayoría de norteamericanos no está paralizada por el odio. Espero que sean capaces de reaccionar a tiempo.

  2. ¿Me parece a mí o es un refrito de esta nota?:

    De todos modos no deja de ser un buen recordatorio de lo que fué nuestro pasado opulento para pasar a este estado de cosas.



  3. Como consuelo, por lo menos el país cumple una función heroica (al estilo Cuba, Corea del Norte y recientemente Venezuela), como en la época de los reyes había un valiente que probaba la comida del rey para ver si estaba envenenada, nosotros aplicamos políticas delirantes para prevenir al resto de los resultados.


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